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Post-frame construction is an engineered wood-frame building system that meets UBC and IBC standards. Post-frame buildings feature large, solid sawn posts or laminated columns instead of wood studs, steel framing, or concrete masonry. They transfer loads to the ground or surface-mounted to a concrete pier or masonry foundation, and may use plastic barrier systems for enhanced protection of wood and concrete posts or piers.

Post-frame structures are more quickly erected than other kinds of buildings. Because the larger posts and the interlocking frame can handle greater loads than stud-wall construction, fewer structural materials are needed, which saves time and other costs. Also, because posts are spaced farther apart than studs, post-frame buildings feature an exceptionally large wall cavity and provide ample room for insulation, lowering heating and cooling costs through the life of the building.

Almost any type of exterior façade may be installed on post-frame buildings, which can be designed to meet the highest standards for quality and aesthetics. Post-frame construction is an efficient and economical option for low-rise applications and is now the construction method of choice for any number of commercial, industrial, municipal, residential, religious, and agricultural projects.

 Post frame is often used for industrial  buildings.Post-frame construction is ideal for warehouse,manufacturing plants,storage and other industrial facilities